commuter train


Doing default

Jan 21, 2023

A piece on escaping the chains of comfort

Deep inside us there’s an unfulfilled spark.

It flickers, but fails to fully ignite.

At some point, we settled for status quo, shackled down by comfort.

Action became inaction and we stopped playing the game.

It feels uneasy because we know we were meant for more.

Time passes and goals slip away amidst the busyness and monotony of daily tasks.

When opportunity for change presents itself, we resist, clinging to familiarity. Inertia is hard at work and we fall victim to Newton’s first law of motion:

“A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest.”

We stay in jobs we hate or adhere to the behaviours we know.

Predictability is solace, complacency becomes comfort.

The "zone of default" traps us, stagnation masquerades as stability.

If circumstances were worse, we'd act, but they’re not so we linger, hoping for things to change.

Of course, they rarely do.

“Doing default” keeps us from achieving our ambitions. It operates in the dark, growing in our subconscious largely unnoticed until its weight becomes unbearable.

Change is on the horizon.


Doing default

Jan 21, 2023

A piece on escaping the chains of comfort

Deep inside us there’s an unfulfilled spark.

It flickers, but fails to fully ignite.

At some point, we settled for status quo, shackled down by comfort.

Action became inaction and we stopped playing the game.

It feels uneasy because we know we were meant for more.

Time passes and goals slip away amidst the busyness and monotony of daily tasks.

When opportunity for change presents itself, we resist, clinging to familiarity. Inertia is hard at work and we fall victim to Newton’s first law of motion:

“A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest.”

We stay in jobs we hate or adhere to the behaviours we know.

Predictability is solace, complacency becomes comfort.

The "zone of default" traps us, stagnation masquerades as stability.

If circumstances were worse, we'd act, but they’re not so we linger, hoping for things to change.

Of course, they rarely do.

“Doing default” keeps us from achieving our ambitions. It operates in the dark, growing in our subconscious largely unnoticed until its weight becomes unbearable.

Change is on the horizon.


Doing default

Jan 21, 2023

A piece on escaping the chains of comfort

Deep inside us there’s an unfulfilled spark.

It flickers, but fails to fully ignite.

At some point, we settled for status quo, shackled down by comfort.

Action became inaction and we stopped playing the game.

It feels uneasy because we know we were meant for more.

Time passes and goals slip away amidst the busyness and monotony of daily tasks.

When opportunity for change presents itself, we resist, clinging to familiarity. Inertia is hard at work and we fall victim to Newton’s first law of motion:

“A body in motion tends to stay in motion, and a body at rest tends to stay at rest.”

We stay in jobs we hate or adhere to the behaviours we know.

Predictability is solace, complacency becomes comfort.

The "zone of default" traps us, stagnation masquerades as stability.

If circumstances were worse, we'd act, but they’re not so we linger, hoping for things to change.

Of course, they rarely do.

“Doing default” keeps us from achieving our ambitions. It operates in the dark, growing in our subconscious largely unnoticed until its weight becomes unbearable.

Change is on the horizon.

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